Goa Legislative Assembly

गोवा विधानसभा

Secretariat Block

Secretariat Block

The east wing is the secretariat block which is a three storeyed building. All the utilities and service entries are on the ground floor.

Library with collection of various books, Banking facility with extension counter of State bank of India, Cafeteria for MLAs ,Ministers to arrange buffets during important functions, Press room, well furnished and equipped with computers and CCTV network, Photo copying machine room and Health center are located on ground floor.
The first floor is in level with the arrival plaza. Most of the offices of Legislative Secretariat department are situated on this floor. Also Indoor Gymnasium for VIP’s and employees is placed on this floor. Gymnasium is equipped with table tennis, chess, carom and other games.
Second floor locates chamber of Legislature Secretary, special conference room and offices of Legislature Secretariat. This block connects to the assembly by bridge and is also connected to the VIP chambers by a bridge which runs on the first level along the circular colonnade around the periphery of the arrival court.

VIP Block
The VIP Block is on the west side of the building and is a three storeyed building. It has an access to the assembly block through a bridge.

Ground Floor
PAC/PUC committee room is located on ground floor. It is used for meetings and conferences/seminars and can hold the capacity of about 150 people.
Chamber for apposition leader, three chambers for political parties, MLA tea break room, chambers for various committee Chairmens and canteen for Secretariat staff are situated on ground floor.

First Floor
Chief Minister and other Ministers chambers are placed on first floor. Cabinet meeting room is also situated on this floor.

Second Floor
Speaker and Deputy Speakers chambers are on second floor and closest to the assembly block. Speaker meeting room is situated on this floor.
Assembly block, Secretariat block and VIP block are provided with hydraulic elevators.
Exterior of this complex has landscaped beautiful garden. Lawn of this garden is sometimes used to arrange party during important functions. Four beautiful water fountains in foreground adds to the beauty of complex. Complex is provided with adequate parking area divided into three sections VIP parking, staff parking and general visitors parking area. This complex is provided with pneumatic water supply system, fire fighting system, sewage treatment plant, centralized AC plant with 160 tones capacity, Electric substation of 33 KV capacity, housekeeping, security and gardening agency.
The project is architecturally beautiful, majestic in appearance, blended with nature and culture of Goa will be at the service of people of Goa for many centuries to come.
New state Legislative assembly complex, a gift of new millennium.