Goa Legislative Assembly

गोवा विधानसभा

Shri. Ulhas Asnodkar

Shri. Ulhas Asnodkar

Constituency No: 09
Constituency Name: Aldona

Bharatiya Janata Party


Date of Birth: 22nd May 1955
Email: -NA-


Official: -NA-
Residence: -NA-
Personal: -NA-


Office: H.No. 597 Sarvojini Smruti, Porvorim, Goa
Permanent: -NA-
Present: -NA-
View Previous Elections Result
Assembly Constituency Party Votes Polled Votes Received Won By

Third Legislative Assembly 1999

Since Jun 1999


Bharatiya Janata Party




Bharatiya Janata Party
Third Legislative Assembly 1999
Deputy Speaker
(30 Nov 1999 to 27 Feb 2002)

Asnodkar, Shri Ulhas Gopal, B.J.P. (Aldona): b. on 22nd May, 1955 at Porvorim; m. to Poonam; ed. S.S.C.; Profession – Business; knows Konkani, Marathi, English and Hindi; Chairman, Porvorim Urban Co-operative Society; Secretary, Vetal Prasadik Trust – Porvorim; President of Parents Teachers Association – Vidya Prabodini Educatinal Society; he started his political career as a worker of Maharashtrawadi Gomantak Party in 1977 and later in 1989 joined the Bharatiya Janata Party; he was the former North Goa President of the BJP (Goa); Elected Member of the Third Legislative Assembly of Goa in June, 1999; Elected Deputy Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly on 30.12.1999