Goa Legislative Assembly

गोवा विधानसभा

Shri. Simon D’Souza

Shri. Simon D’Souza

Constituency No: 25
Constituency Name: Vasco Da Gama

Indian National Congress


Date of Birth: 28th October 1938
Email: -NA-


Official: -NA-
Residence: -NA-
Personal: -NA-


Office: Lotus Apartment, Vasco da Gama
Permanent: -NA-
Present: -NA-
View Previous Elections Result
Assembly Constituency Party Votes Polled Votes Received Won By

First Legislative Assembly 1990

Vasco Da Gama

Indian National Congress




Indian National Congress

Sixth Legislative Assembly of Goa Daman & Diu-1985


Indian National Congress




Indian National Congress
First Legislative Assembly 1990
Deputy Speaker
(22 Jan 1990 to 10 Apr 1990)
First Legislative Assembly 1990
Deputy Speaker
(27 Feb 1991 to 12 Dec 1994)

<p>Shri Simon Peter D&rsquo;Souza, Cong.(I), (Vasco): b. at Bangalore on 28<sup>th</sup> October, 1938; m. to Felicity; ed. S.S.C.E. Poona Board, Electonics course, Bombay; Computer course at ICL Bombay; Computer Engineer; knows Hindi, Marathi, Konkani and English; Vice President of Desterro Sports Club, Vasco da Gama 1977-80; President of Jaycees, Vasco da Gama in 1969; Councillor, MOrmugao Municipal Council 1976-80; Executive Member of YCW, Bombay; Member, Bureau of Social Assistance, Vasco da Gama from 1968-80; Vice President of St. Vincente de Paul, Vasco da Gama from 1970 onwards; Founder Member of Carnival &amp; Shigmo festival-Vasco; President, Mormugao District Congress (I) Committee from 1983 onwards; Member of Goa, Daman and Diu Housing Board from 1984 onwards; Member of Goa, Daman and Diu Planning Board from 1986; Member, Divisional Users Consultative Committee from 1986 onwards; Chairman, All Goa Toddy Tappers Association from 1985 onwards, Vice President of YMCA Goa,&nbsp; since 1986; Member Government Hospital Visiting Committee; Member of the Sixth Legislative Assembly 1985-89; Member, Committee on Government Assurances 1985-86, 1986-87; Member, Estimates Committee 1985-86, 1986-87; Member, Select Committee on Goa, Daman and Diu Labour Welfare Fund Bill, 1986; Member Select Committee on Goa, Daman and Diu Prevention of Defacement Bill, 1986; Member, Committee on Public Undertakings 1985-86, 1986-87; Whip, Indian National Congress since 1985; Member House Committee on Video Parlous; Member, Committee on Government Assurances, Chairman P.A.C. 1988-89; Member of Privileges Committee, P.U.C. and Panel of Presiding Members 1988-89; Elected Member of the First Legislative Assembly of the State of Goa in November 1989; Deputy Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly from January, 1990 to April, 1990;&nbsp; Re-elected as the Deputy Speaker of the Goa Legislative Assembly on 27<sup>th</sup> March, 1991; Chairman Privilege Committee 1991-92; Member, Business Advisory Committee 1991-92; Rules Committee 1991-92.</p>