Goa Legislative Assembly

गोवा विधानसभा

Shri. Cruz  Silva

Shri. Cruz Silva

Constituency No/Name: 35 - Velim

(0832) 2775668
Aam Aadmi Party
(0832) 2775668


Date of Birth: 28th December 1969
Email: -NA-


Official: (0832) 2775668
Residence: -NA-
Personal: 9850350919


Office: -NA-
Permanent: H. No. 334/F, Vaz Waddo, P.o. Velim, Ambelim, Salcete, Goa 403723
Present: H. No. 334/F, Vaz Waddo, P.o. Velim, Ambelim, Salcete, Goa 403723

Election Details




Aam Aadmi Party

Eighth Legislative Assembly 2022
Committee on Public Undertakings (Since 31 May 2022)
Eighth Legislative Assembly 2022
Committee on Petitions (Since 31 May 2022)
Eighth Legislative Assembly 2022
Public Accounts Commiitee
Eighth Legislative Assembly 2022
Commitee on Privileges (Since 09 Sep 2022)

Heritage Conservation Policy

“This House strongly resolves the Government to formulate a Heritage Conservation Policy. Goa has got 51 notified structures under the State Archaeology Department and close to 430 additional monuments and structures with immense heritage value, the State Government is yet to put in place a ‘Heritage Conservation Policy’ to conserve and preserve these architectural monuments”.

Fifth Session 2023



High unemployment rate in the State of Goa

“The House strongly recommends the Government to take serious cognizance of the high unemployment rate in the State of Goa and initiate necessary steps to provide industry-demand based job skills to at least 20,000 unemployed youth in the next two financial years under Skill Development Mission and ensure that Goan candidates are preferred in private sector jobs in the State.”

Fourth Session 2023


Compensation to farmers

I call the attention of the Hon’ble Minister to the Plight of farmers, who have cultivated their fields which  have been laid waste due to flooding of fields, caused by incessant rains and breach of bunds. The steps the Government proposes to take to assist the farmers by payment of compensation and time frame within which the amount will be paid.

Seventh Session 2024


pdfMinisters Reply

Reservations Scheduled Tribe Community

“Fear and anxiety in the minds of Scheduled Tribe Community due to lethargic approach of the Government to provide political reservations to Scheduled Tribes in Goa. The Government must take immediate steps to provide political reservation to Scheduled Tribes of Goa. It is observed that despite Goa having 12.5% Scheduled Tribes population, they are being deprived their Constitutional Right of Reservation of Seats in Goa Legislative Assembly. The steps the Government intends to undertake/has undertaken  in this regard and also to ensure that the Election Commission of India notifies Constituencies for Scheduled Tribes in Goa.”

Sixth Session 2024


pdfMinisters Reply

Admission for Engineering Colleges in Goa

“Fear and anxiety in the mind of parents of candidates who aspire for taking admission for Engineering Colleges in Goa by answering the entrance test as government has abolished the GCET exam from 2023-24 and instead adopted JEE mains for granting admission for such programmes. The level of examination of JEE is not suitable for the type of curriculum that has been adopted by Goa Board and hence this step will result in rampant rise in coaching classes that charge exorbitantly. The steps the Government will take to ensure that poor students will not suffer and lose an opportunity to secure admission to local Engineering colleges”.

Fifth Session 2023


Road Access to the Houses

“Fear and Anxiety in the minds of the people of Goa with regard to road access to their houses. There are thousands of houses in Goa which do not have motorable road access and instead use the traditional (kaccha) road access through private property.  The survey department failed to show access to many properties on the survey maps.  This has resulted in an increase in conflict in the villages where landlords have been blocking road access to the affected people's homes by constructing compound walls. As a result, it is almost impossible for emergency services to access such houses in case of an accident or weather-related disaster. The steps the Government has taken to initiate a State-wide exercise to identify such landlocked properties and modify the survey maps to reflect existing access to such plots”.

Fifth Session 2023



Department of Revenue

pdfMinisters Reply

Playing amplified music beyond 10 00 PM

 "fear and anxiety in the minds of the people of Goa, especially those dependent on the Tourism, Music and Entertainment Industry, with regards to the negative impact on Goan Culture, Social Events, Religious festivals, weddings, family functions and Goan Tourism Industry as a result of the ban on playing amplified music beyond 10 00 PM”. The steps the Government will take in this matter”.

Third Session 2023


Environment and Climate Change

Department of Environment and Climate Change

pdfMinisters Reply

Accidents at Dandewaddo Chinchinim

Fear and anxiety due to frequent recurring accidents at the junction in Danddewaddo Chinchinim. The fear and anxiety experienced by travelers passing through the area and the residents living nearby are valid and should not be ignored. Swift action must be taken to address the root causes of these accidents and to implement preventive measures for the future.

Widening the road to allow for better traffic flow and visibility, along with the installation of traffic signals, can significantly improve the safety of the junction..

By prioritizing safety and taking proactive steps to enhance the infrastructure and traffic management in the area, we can create a safer environment for everyone using the road. It is important to listen to the concerns of the community, acknowledge the risks they face, and work together to make the necessary changes to prevent further accidents and tragedies. Let us act decisively to address these long pending issues and ensure the well-being of all individuals traveling through and residing in Danddewaddo Chinchinim.

Seventh Session 2024


Public Works

Public Works Department

Non availability of printed textbooks and resource books under NEP implementation

Fear and anxiety in the minds of the students, parents and teachers due to non availability of textbooks and resource books for STD IXth subjects that have been introduced for the first time. The newspaper reports appeared in local papers suggest that these books will not be ready in printed form and probably teachers and students have to refer to soft copies to be downloaded from websites. This will result in lack of interest among students and teachers and hence it is prayed that urgent steps be taken to finalize the content and make available printed copies.

Seventh Session 2024



Directorate of Education

Urgent Compensation for Traditional Fishermen in Velim Constituency

Fear and anxiety in the minds of the traditional fishermen in the Velim Constituency due to the unplanned cutting of weeds in the River Sal at Khareband that was undertaken by Water Resources department and the weeds that were cut were thrown in the waters of River Sal which were left floating into the river and damaged the fishing nets and other accessories of the traditional fishermen resulting in huge financial losses. 
I urge you to take immediate action to compensate the affected fishermen and to initiate strict action on those who caused this loss. It may be noted that the livelihoods of fishermen depend on the health of the river and hence it is  crucial that future activities are planned and executed in a manner that does not harm the local fishing community.

Seventh Session 2024


Water Resources

Water Resource Department

Frequent power cuts and low voltage in Velim constiuency

Fear and anxiety in the minds of residents of  Velim constituency over frequent power cuts and low voltage during the monsoon that has resulted great inconvenience and damage to household appliances.
Concerned staff of Power department be directed to provide relief to people with immediate response and ensure timely maintenance of power supply lines.

Seventh Session 2024



Electricity Department

Premature retirement by GPSC Chairman

It is a matter of concern for all Goans and specially aspiring candidates of various officer level government civil and other services that Mr Jose Manuel Noronha has tendered his resignation as Chairman of Goa Public Service Commision(GPSC). In his entire career as a chairman of GPSC, Mr Jose Manuel Noronha has created an impeccable image of a authority with honesty, sincerity and integrity. The various reforms that he has brought in the recruitment process of GPSC is worthy of congratulations. It is a matter of fear and anxiety in the minds of Goan youth who wish to see the selection process of GPSC to be transparent and impartial that Mr Noronha has resigned. I request government to ensure that persons with similar integrity and strong love towards Goa be appointed on this post to restore the faith in the selection process and to provide capable officials for serving the state of Goa.

Sixth Session 2024



Department of Personnel

Cut Motion LIST NO 2A

The following Cut Motions Demand No.59 – Factories and Boilers, Demand No. 65 – Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Services and Demand No. 66 – Fisheries have been received from the Members as shown below against the respective Demands, which are fixed for discussion on the 19th July, 2024.

Session : Seventh Session 2024 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -5

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Cut Motion LIST NO 1A

The following Cut Motions to Demand No. 47 – Goa Medical College, Demand No. 48 - Health Services, Demand No. 49 - Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour, Demand No.51 - Goa Dental College, Demand No. 53 - Food and Drugs Administration have been received from the Members as shown below against the respective Demands, which are fixed for discussion on the 18th July 2024.

Session : Seventh Session 2024 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -4

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Cut Motion LIST NO 15-C

 The following Cut Motions to Demand No.1- Legislature Secretariat, Demand No. 4 – District & Sessions Court, South Goa, Demand No. 5 – Prosecution, Demand No. 6- Election Office, Demand No. 10- Notary Services,  Demand No. 28 – Administrative Tribunal, and  Demand No. 73 – State Election Commission  have been received from the Members as shown below against the respective Demands, which are fixed for discussion on  the 10th August, 2023.

Session : Fifth Session 2023 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -18

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Cut Motion LIST NO 14C

 The following Cut Motions to Demand No. 64 – Agriculture, Demand No. 69 – Handicraft, Textile and Coir and Demand No. 70 – Civil Supplies have been received from the Members as shown below against the respective Demands, which are fixed for discussion on  the 9th August, 2023.

Session : Fifth Session 2023 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -17

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Cut Motion LIST NO 13A

 The following Cut Motions to Demand No. 45 – Department of Archives, Demand No. 57 – Social Welfare, Demand No. 77 – River Navigation, Demand No. 87 – Department of Archaeology and Demand No. 89- Department of Empowerment of persons with disabilities have been received from the Members as shown below against the respective Demands, which are fixed for discussion on  the 8th August, 2023.

Session : Fifth Session 2023 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -16

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001A *WILL the Minister for Agriculture be pleased to state:
(a) the date the Goa State Agriculture Policy will be submitted by the Committee;
(b) the reasons for delay in submission;
(c) provide copies of minutes of meeting of the Agriculture Policy drafting committee that were held since its reconstitution with all the enclosures that were presented in these meetings;
(d) whether any inputs for this policy has been taken from Isha Foundation as Goa Government has a MoU with them under “Save Soil” movement and also whether any other inputs/consultancy/advice were given under “Save Soil” MoU and whether any consultancy fee or any other payment is made by Government to Isha Foundation; and
(e) the amount of honorarium/payment was made directly to Isha Foundation or Jaggi Vasudeo for appearing for a MoU signing function that was held at SP Mukherjee stadium in August 2022?


Reply attached.

Seventh Session 2024


Shri. Ravi Naik


Directorate of Agriculture


001B *WILL the Minister for Environment and Climate change be pleased to state:
(a) the status of proposal by a private company to set up Marina at Navshi, Bambolim in St Andre Constituency;
(b) whether any fresh application for CRZ approval, environmental approval has been submitted in writing or online to the department by proponent in this regard;
(c) furnish copies of all the objections that have been submitted by project opponents during the last one year;
(d) the view of the Government on this project in terms of damage it will result on the ecology of the area and surrounding area; and
(e) whether the Government authorities including GCZMA, Hon. Minister for Environment and Hon Chief Minister has visited the site to assess the environment damage of this project and to understand the loss of livelihood to the traditional fishermen in Navshi and the entire Zuari bay including villages and coast of Tiswadi and Marmugao talukas?


Reply and Annexure\'s are attached.

Seventh Session 2024


Shri. Aleixo Sequeira

Environment and Climate Change

Department of Environment and Climate Change


001C *WILL the Minister for Labour and Employment be pleased to state:

(a) whether the Government is contemplating to bring in any Law to make 80% Job Reservations for Goans in Private Sector; if so, furnish copies of all relevant File Notings and the Current Status of the same; if not, the reasons for not Reserving Jobs for Goans in Private Industries;
(b) furnish year-wise details in tabulated format of the number of Vacancies notified to the Employment Exchange by the Private Sector as per the Employment Exchange (Compulsory Notification of Vacancies) Act, 1959 along with Reference Number and Date of each Vacancy notified, Current Status of the Vacancy, number of Persons employed as against the notified vacancies etc. from 2020 till date;
(c) furnish details of the Goan Youths employed in Private Sector in Goa from 2020 till date along with Name, Address, Age of the Person, Qualification, Designation, Monthly Salary Drawn and all other relevant details;
(d) furnish details of the Non-Goan persons employed in Private Sector in Goa from 2020 till date along with Name and Age of the Person, Original Residential Address, Current Residential Address, Qualification, Designation, Monthly Salary Drawn and all other relevant details; and
(e) furnish details of the Goan Youths who were given Employment Opportunities through the Mega Job Fair/Placement Drives and the Current Status of their Employment?


Sir, please refer to attached reply.

Seventh Session 2024


Shri. Atanasio Monserrate

Labour & Employment

Department of Labour


Will the minister for Environment and Climate Change please answer:

(a) the details of the structures that are existing within the various zones (CRZ-I, -II, -III etc.) furnish  number of structures, Village, Taluka, CRZ designation, pakka/kachcha, existing before 1991 etc;

(b) from 01-01-2021 to 01-06-2024 provide a tabulated list of complaints alleging CRZ violations, including  name of complainant, name of accused and address, location, summary of complaint, date filed and action taken;

(c) from 01-01-2021 to 01-06-2024 provide tabulated list of all violators upon which fees for restoration/ violations have been levied; provide date, location, violator, fee charged and payment status; and

(d) whether the Government has made any policy / plan to tackle discharge of sewage from restaurant / hotel into the sea and whether there are any financial incentives to support local shack owners in managing sewage and waste without polluting beach side?



Reply and Annexure\'s are attached.

Seventh Session 2024


Shri. Aleixo Sequeira

Environment and Climate Change

Department of Environment and Climate Change


WILL the Minister for Labour and Employment be pleased to state: 
a. provide details of how many employees in total are employed by various industries in every Industrial estate of Goa with details of each IDC zone, total number of male workers, number of female workers; 
b. the number of industries  that operate in multiple shifts and whether women staff is made to work in night shifts including in IT and ITES sector;

c. the number of companies that are providing transport for late night shifts to major cities with details thereof;
d. whether there any complaints of harassment of workers and details of the same; and
e. whether there is any check on the transport services provided to late night employees as there have been incidents of negligent driving killing innocent people? 


Sir, please refer to attached reply.

Seventh Session 2024


Shri. Atanasio Monserrate

Labour & Employment

Department of Labour