Goa Legislative Assembly

गोवा विधानसभा

Smt. Deviya Rane

Smt. Deviya Rane

Constituency No/Name: 18 - Poriem

email id
Bharatiya Janata Party
email id


Date of Birth: 25th April 1973
Email: email id


Official: -NA-
Residence: 0832-2465801/2465802
Personal: 9623121845


Office: -NA-
Permanent: H.No.41,Deulwada,Vithalapur,Karapur,Sanquelim,North-Goa. Pin Code:- 403505
Present: Kamat Kinara,Building No.25,4Th Floor,Miramar Caranzalem Goa 403002.

Election Details




Bharatiya Janata Party

Eighth Legislative Assembly 2022
Budget Committee (31 May 2022 to 18 Jan 2023)
Eighth Legislative Assembly 2022
Committee on Delegated Legislation (31 May 2022 to 18 Jan 2023)
Eighth Legislative Assembly 2022
Committee on Delegated Legislation (Since 19 Jan 2023)
Eighth Legislative Assembly 2022
Committee on Goverment Assurances (Since 31 May 2022)
Eighth Legislative Assembly 2022
House Committee To Study Issues Related To River Mhadei

Traditional Kumeri agricultural activities

“This House unanimously resolves that the Government frames necessary policies to conserve and promote traditional kumeri agricultural activities in Goa. This traditional agricultural practice has been instrumental in maintaining ecological balance, biodiversity conservation, besides providing livelihood and food security to indigenous farmers in forest regions. Hence the need to implement measures to conserve, modernise and make this traditional agricultural practice economically viable and this traditional knowledge be preserved for future generations.”

Eighth Session 2025



Construction of Water Reservoirs and Dams

“This House unanimously resolves to urge the Government to take necessary steps for construction of Water Reservoirs and Dams at various locations in the State to sort out the water scarcity and fulfil the future demands.”

Seventh Session 2024


Water Resources

Water Resource Department

Flooding/inundation, landslides and water logging

“Fear and anxiety in the minds of the people of the State, that due to incessant rains, flooding/inundation, landslides and water logging, has been witnessed in several parts of the State and also due to the incessant rains and the heavy flow of the Valvanti River on the NH 748 AA road at Tulshimala, several trees have been uprooted and embankments along the roadsides have also been washed away. The steps the Government has taken in the matter.”

Seventh Session 2024


pdfMinisters Reply

Increasing instances of attempt to kidnapping

Fear and Anxiety in the minds of Parents of school going children regarding increasing instances of attempt to kidnapping of children, trespassing in school premises by Anti-social elements etc. The Steps the Government intends to undertake in this regard to provide surveillance in school premises and on isolated tracks of roads and to identify and punish the culprits expeditiously "

Sixth Session 2024



pdfMinisters Reply

Cracks Developed on bridge over Kalti river in Sattari Taluka

“fear and anxiety in the minds of the people regarding the bridge over Kalti river in Sattari Taluka. The bridge is over 55 years old and has developed several cracks. Heavy vehicles from Karnataka use the bridge. There is a urgent need for structural audit and estimates for construction of new bridge alongwith repairs to approach roads and urgent repairs to current bridge has to be carried out to prevent untoward accidents. The steps the Government has taken in this regard”.

Fifth Session 2023


Public Works

Public Works Department

pdfMinisters Reply

Crop damage by wild animals

“Fear and anxiety in the minds of the farmers in Sattari due to huge losses suffered due to crop damage by wild animals more then 5000 farmers are registered Krishi Card holders. Wild animal feed on coconuts arecanuts, cashewnuts and mangoes. The Agriculture Department under reports cases of damage due to monkeys, bison’s and other wild animals further farmers are allowed only a year to claim under Shetkari Adhar Nidhi Scheme. As such the Government may increase the compensation offered, allow multiple claims in a year so that they are adequately compensated. The steps of the Government to provide adequate and timely relief”.

Fifth Session 2023


pdfMinisters Reply

Fair price shop owners

“Fear and anxiety in the minds of the fair price shop owners, on the sustainability of their operations due to high input costs such as labour, rent, godown charges, transportation and the situation being further aggravated by  delay in payments by the State Government to the fair price shop owners especially in view of the Schemes under the National Food Security Act and directions to the State Government to fix a margin amount payable in advance to the fair price shop owners and the steps taken in this regards.

Fourth Session 2023


Civil Supplies and Consumer Affairs

Department of Civil Supplies & Consumer Affairs

pdfMinisters Reply

Non-release of Grant-In-Aid (GIA) funds till date

Attention of the House is drawn as regards the people and Members of the Village Panchayats of Poriem Constituency due to non-disbursement of Grants-In-Aid (GIA) Funds during the financial years from 2022 till date. The steps the Government will undertake in this regard for the developmental works to boost local economic growth.

Ninth Session 2025


Panchayati Raj

Directorate of Panchayats

Alvara land

“Attention of the House is drawn as regards the people of Sattari, who have inherited and are holding rights to Alvara Grant of lands made by the Government and have not been able to become rightful owners. The steps the Government has taken in this regard and also to introduce an amendment to the Goa Land Revenue (Disposal of Government Lands) Rules, 1971, vide a Notification giving the detailed procedure to be followed in cases wherein the documents to substantiate the facts set out in the application (Alvara) are not available, with oral evidence that are available”.

Ninth Session 2025



Department of Revenue

Crop Damage by Wild Animals

“Attention of the House is drawn as regards the farmers of Sattari taluka due to crop damage by wild animals.

I had raised the seriousness of this issue during last the assembly sessions and that the compensation paid to the farmers under Shetkari Adhar Nidhi Scheme is only once a year, although the damage to the crops is periodical in nature (throughout the year). This is because the bills submitted for payments are not processed in time by the Dept. and fresh bills submitted by the farmers are not processed till such time the earlier bills are paid. The delay in processing the bills is the problem that needs to be addressed immediately. 

As the house is aware, the farmers of Sattari depend solely on farming for their livelihood and if compensation does not reach them on time; when much needed, they face financial hardships and feel discouraged to continue farming, which is detrimental. 

The farmers want the comprehensive plan to protect the crop from wild animals prepared and implemented on top priority by the Dept., as it will safeguard them against huge financial losses in future.

Monkeys, wild boars and bisons continue to destroy the crops, damage the soil (rhizospheres) of saplings and cause loss of fruiting trees, as the Repeller/Carbide guns are no longer effective as the animals are not frightened by the sounds as reported by the farmers. 

I request the hon’ble Minister to kindly constitute a panel of experts, who must visit the affected areas to assess the extent of the damage to the crops; and based on their study, prepare a report to find a permanent solution. 

Eighth Session 2025



Directorate of Agriculture

Overflowing of Mhadei River,

Fear and anxiety in the minds of the people of Sonal, Tar and Kadtari Village in V.P. Savarde of Valpoi Constituency in Sattari Taluka,as the road connecting Sonal to tar and kadtari village is Submerged due to overflowing of Mhadei River, located adjacently to these roads, thereby leaveing the villagers stranded.” What steps have been taken by the Government in the regard?

I wish to draw the kind attention of this House to  a pressing issue affecting the lives of the people of sonal, Tar and kadtari villages in V.P. Savarde in Valpoi.

The said road is situated in a low-lying area and therefore prone to flooding during the monsoon, as the Mhadei River water level rises, which overflows and submerge these roads. This flooding every monsoon has led to numerous disruptions for the villagers, who are left stranded, as their houses, roads and fields are submerged, causing loss of property and putting them in a risky situation.

It has been reported on 05/08/2024 in the Gomantak newspaper (copy of article is enclosed) that the roads and nearby houses were submerged, due to flooding of the Mhadei River, forcing the people to leave their vehicles on the side of the roads and walk through the dense forests to reach their homes, which is dangerous and a safety concern.

Preventive measures viz. retaining walls on the side of the roads and proper drainage system must be constructed on priority, as it will provide protection against soil erosion and stop flooding of the roads during the monsoon, in the interest of public.

I request Ho. Chief Minister to kindly direct the concerned authority (PWD) to put a proposal to raise/elevate the level of the road connecting Sonal to tar and Kadtari village, so that the people of these villages do not face similar flooding in future, for their safety and convenience.

Seventh Session 2024


Public Works

Public Works Department

Urgent Need for Demolition and Re-construction of Bal Bhavan Kendra at Valpoi, Sattari, Goa.

Zero Hour mention for 05/08/2024 under “Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business of the Goa Legislative Assembly”

I would like to make a zero-hour mention on the following subject: 

Urgent Need for Demolition and Re-construction of Bal Bhavan Kendra at Valpoi, Sattari, Goa.

I wish to bring to the Department’s urgent attention on the condition of Bal Bhavan Kendra at Valpoi, a cornerstone of our community for over sixty years. This essential facility, dedicated to nurturing the talents of our children, is now severely inadequate and in desperate need of renovation and expansion.

(Originally constructed as a middle school, this building has served as a Bal Bhavan Kendra for the past 35 years.)

The Bal Bhavan plays a crucial role in fostering the holistic development of children by providing a nurturing environment for extracurricular activities and creative learning. It offers a range of programs that enhance artistic, cultural, and academic skills beyond the traditional classroom setting. Through activities such as art, dance, music, and crafts, the Bal Bhavan helps children discover their talents, build confidence, and develop essential life skills. Its importance extends to strengthening community bonds and supporting the overall growth and well-being of young individuals, making it a vital asset in any community\'s educational framework.

Key Issues:

1. Severe Space Constraints:

The building, with its limited area of approximately 178 square meters, is currently struggling to accommodate the needs of over 70 students and 6 staff members. 

The three existing multifunctional classrooms are overwhelmed, with activities such as harmonium lessons, stitching classes, art, craft, and dance being crammed into inadequate spaces. The overlap of functions in a single room is causing inefficiencies and discomfort for both students and instructors.

2. Infrastructure Problems:

The facility suffers from significant infrastructure issues, particularly during the monsoon season when rainwater leaks through the roof tiles. This not only creates an unhealthy and unsafe environment but also deters students and parents, with some even refusing to attend classes due to these conditions.

3. Lack of Essential Facilities:

There are no separate toilet facilities for boys, girls, and staff, which compromises hygiene and comfort. Additionally, the dance class, which requires ample space and specialized facilities like a large wall mirror, is currently conducted in an inadequate area lacking these essential elements.

Proposed Solutions:

1. Demolition and Reconstruction:

Construct a new, modern building with at least two floors to provide dedicated classrooms for each subject and activity. This should include a spacious dance room with the necessary facilities and a multipurpose hall for events and programs.

2. Enhanced Facilities:

   - Create separate, well-equipped rooms for harmonium lessons, stitching classes, art, craft, and dance to optimize space usage and improve the quality of instruction.

3. Improved Sanitary Facilities:

Install separate toilet facilities for boys, girls, and staff to ensure adequate hygiene and comfort for all users.

These upgrades are critical to providing a safe, effective, and comfortable learning environment for our children. 

I request the Hon. Chief Minister to kindly give immediate instructions for the much-needed reconstruction and expansion of the Bal Bhavan Kendra, Valpoi.


Seventh Session 2024



Directorate of Education


*WILL the Minister for Transport be pleased to state:

 (a)  the list of proposals received to (i) start new bus services and (ii) extend existing routes in Poriem Constituency with date of receipt of the proposal;
(b)  the total number of pending proposals due to non-availability of vehicles and non-availability of staff with details thereof;
(c) the time frame by which pending proposals will be sanctioned; and 
(d) the steps taken by the Government as a stop-gap arrangement until funds are sanctioned for new buses?


Eighth Session 2025


Shri. Mauvin Godinho


Directorate of Transport


*WILL the Minister for Power be pleased to state:

(a) whether any study has been conducted by the Government in the last 12 months to understand the number of staff required in Electricity Department in Sattari Taluka to evenly distribute the workload and ensure smooth running of the Department;
(b) if so, the details thereof; if not, whether the Government can conduct a study at the earliest to ascertain the same;
(c) furnish details in a tabular format of sanctioned staff strength, existing staff strength, shortfall, etc in the Electricity Department, Bicholim; kindly advise the year during which the current sanctioned staff strength has been calculated and furnish the time line by which the vacancies will be filled;
(d) the steps that have been taken by the Government to fulfil the shortfall of staff, apart from regular recruitments, as a stop gap arrangement; and
(e) in order to provide quick service, whether there is an adequate staff available to run 3 shifts in all section offices of Electricity Department in Sattari Taluka, furnish the details thereof?


Eighth Session 2025


Shri. Ramkrishna Alias Sudin Dhavalikar


Electricity Department


WILL the Minister for Water Resources be pleased to state:

(a) the list of works from Poriem Constituency awaiting technical sanction with details such as name of work, estimated cost, file reference number, current location of file as on date;
(b) the list of works from Poriem Constituency awaiting administrative approval with details such as name of works, estimated cost, file reference number, current location of file as on date with round number if applicable;
(c) the list of works from Poriem Constituency awaiting tender approval with details such as name of work, estimated cost, file reference number, current location of file as on date with round number if applicable;
(d) the list of works from Poriem Constituency awaiting expenditure sanction with details such as name of work, estimated cost, file reference number, current location of file as on date with round number if applicable; and
(e) the list of resolutions received from the Village Panchayats in Poriem Constituency from 1st April, 2022 till date with details such as name of work/resolution, estimated cost, file reference number, location of file as on date with round number of file, if applicable? 


Answer is attached.

Eighth Session 2025


Shri. Subhash Shirodkar

Water Resources

Water Resource Department


WILL the Minister for Tourism be pleased to state:

(a) the present status of the proposal for beautification of Shri Bhumika Temple in Poriem Constituency;
(b) the timeline/ date by which the project is expected to be completed; and
(c) furnish a copy of the minutes of meeting, wherein the beautification of Shree Bhumika Temple in Village Panchayat Poriem and Shree Brahmani Mahamaya Temple in Kopardem in Village Panchayat Mauxi was approved?


Eighth Session 2025


Shri. Rohan Khaunte


Department of Tourism


WILL the Minister for Power be pleased to state:

(a) the list of works from Poriem Constituency awaiting technical sanction with details such as name of work, estimated cost, file reference number, current location of file as on date;
(b) the list of works from Poriem Constituency awaiting administrative approval with details such as name of works, estimated cost, file reference number, current location of file as on date with round number if applicable;
(c) the list of works from Poriem Constituency awaiting tender approval with details such as name of work, estimated cost, file reference number, current location of file as on date with round number if applicable;
(d) the list of works from Poriem Constituency awaiting expenditure sanction with details such as name of work, estimated cost, file reference number, current location of file as on date with round number if applicable; and
(e) the list of resolutions received from Village Panchayats of Poriem Constituency from 1st April, 2022 till date with details such as name or work/resolution, estimated cost, file reference number, location of file as on date with round number of file, if applicable?  


Eighth Session 2025


Shri. Ramkrishna Alias Sudin Dhavalikar


Electricity Department