Leader of Opposition
Constituency No/Name: 34 - Cuncolim
Date of Birth: | 16th November 1984 |
Email: | -NA- |
FAX: | -NA- |
Official: | -NA- |
Residence: | -NA- |
Personal: | -NA- |
Office: | -NA- |
Permanent: | H.No.11/118,Kegdicotto,Cuncolim,Salcete-Goa 403703 |
Present: | H. No.150,Casa Alemao,Chadwaddo Varca,Salcete-Goa 403721 |
This House strongly recommends the Government to commemorate 16th January as ‘Asmitai Dis - Opinion Poll Day’ as an official day of the State Government and hold ‘Asmitai Dis - Opinion Poll Day’ as Official State Function to commemorate the same. The same is to recognize the efforts of proud and brave Goans to maintain their separate identity as Goans.”
Seventh Session 2024
“This House strongly recommends the Government to immediately set up a High-Level Inquiry Commission under Retired High Court Judge with Experts from various fields as its members to investigate the cause of Fire Incidents in Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary, Eco Sensitive Zones, Hills and Forest Areas. "The High-Level Commission should be given the mandate to investigate the "Conspiracy Angle" as well as conduct a "Scientific Study" to find the cause of the devastating Fires in Mhadei Wildlife Sanctuary, Eco Sensitive Zones, Hills and Forest Areas.”
Fifth Session 2023
“This House strongly recommends the Government to take immediate steps to stop the unjust customs of widow discrimination, widow abuse and widow isolation in the State. A few Village Panchayats in Goa have taken resolutions against such outdated and inhuman customs and that widows be treated on par with married women. The steps the Government intends to take in co-ordination with Directorate of Panchayats, Municipal Administration, Goa State Women’s Commission and Goa Human Rights Commission to convene Gram Sabhas of Village Panchayats, organize awareness meetings in every city and meetings of various NGOs to express solidarity with widows and to boost their confidence against such obsolete and archaic practices prevailing in the community and recommends Government to contemplate bringing a law to stop such unjust practices.”
Fourth Session 2023
This House unanimously and strongly recommends that the contents on "The Chieftains of Cuncolim” be introduced at the appropriate stage in the school and college curriculum consequent on the decision of the Government of Goa to celebrate 15th July 1583 (Cuncolim Revolt) as the National War Memorial Day. The Gaonkar's of Cuncolim stood up to the colonial powers boycotting the colonial decrees and registered their protests by not paying any revenue to the Government centuries before similar protests and boycotts got popularized as the “non- cooperation movement”. These deeds of courage, valiant struggle and sacrifices of Goan's and specially the people of Cuncolim should be learnt and taught as part of Goa’s political struggle against colonial powers strictly as historical facts without fanning xenophobia of any kind.
Second Session 2022
Directorate of Education
“Attention of the House is drawn as regards Goan Women Self Help Groups across Goa supplying mid day meal with regards to Government decision to rope in Akshay Patra to provide mid day meal to students. The steps the Government intends to take in this regards to protect Goan Women Self Help Groups”
Ninth Session 2025
“Attention of the House is drawn as regards the establishment of a museum in honour of renowned cartoonist and artist, recipient of Padma Shri, Padma Vibhushan and numerous awards from Spain, Late Shri Mário de Miranda would be a fitting tribute to his remarkable contribution to art and culture. The steps the Government will take to ensure formation of a committee consisting of art experts, historians, and Government officials to oversee the project, which would be responsible for checking the feasibility of the project, selecting a suitable site, and ensuring that the museum accurately represents his legacy”.
Ninth Session 2025
Directorate of Museums
“Attention of the House is drawn as regards the people of Goa due to shortage of water resulting in no supply or irregular supply of water across Goa. The steps the Government intends to take in this regard”.
Ninth Session 2025
Public Works
Attention of the House is drawn towards the future of Dabolim International Airport. The steps the Government has taken in this regard.”
Seventh Session 2024
Attention of the House is called to the massive landslides in Wayanad in Kerala where hundreds of lives were lost and devastation caused to Houses, Environment and animals. Similar landslides have taken place in other parts of India. Goa, too, is experiencing similar incidents. Unplanned and excessive development in ecologically sensitive areas in both districts of Goa including Dharbandora in the Western Ghats are prone to such landslides. The Steps the Government has taken in the matter.
Seventh Session 2024
“Attention of the house is drawn to the incident of unseasonal rain that has caused significant damage to public properties due to collapse/uprooting of trees and severely impacted cashew production, other agricultural production resulting in substantial losses for our farmers. The Farmers require urgent assistance to compensate for their losses. Also many people travelling on two wheelers were injured due to slipping on leachate flowing from untreated wet waste at Sonsoddo dumpsite in Fatorda-South Goa affecting most of the people traelling from Curtorim and other areas. There needs to take permanent measures for this menace. The immediate steps Govt. intends to take in this regard.”
Ninth Session 2025
Revenue,Environment and Climate Change,Agriculture,Waste Management
Department of Revenue
“The attention of the House is drawn to the initiatives by the Department of Women & Child Development, running two ‘One Stop Centre’--SAKHI and ‘Sakhi Shelter Homes’ in South and North Districts to provide immediate relief, counselling and all support for women affected by violence from 2019 to 2024. They were run by bringing on board Women NGO.
Both these have almost become inactive due to lack of dedicated staff. The Shelter Home is not operational. Both North and South Centres are managed by one official sitting at Apna Ghar.
Shelter and immediate support to women affected by violence is a crying need. The action/steps the government intends to take in this regard.”
Ninth Session 2025
Women & Child Development
Directorate of Women & Child Department
“Fear and anxiety in the minds of the tourism stakeholder-taxi owners, hoteliers, other related businesses and people of the South Goa in general as regards the recent announcement by National Carrier Air India that it is shifting its international operations from Dabolim to Manohar International Airport at Mopa. Since the commissioning of MIA, many airline companies have shifted from Dabolim to Mopa and the trend is growing. Till August 5, 2024, three flight operators shifted their operation from the Goa International Airport (Civil Enclave), at Dabolim to Manohar International Airport at Mopa and the trend is continuing. Despite appeals, government has failed to stop the shifting of airlines from Dabolim to Mopa. Due to shifting of airlines there is drop of passengers at Dabolim airport. This move will have a significant impact on the tourism industry in South Goa. There is fear among the stakeholders and people that Dabolim Airport will be shut to help MIA’s growth. Action the Government will take in this regard”.
Ninth Session 2025
Civil Aviation
“Attention of the House is drawn as regards as in the minds of Students, as Goa University fails to process,update and deliver the marksheets of the students in time, consequently affecting the students year and also their career. Mr.Astle D\'Souza, a resident of Cuncolim has graduated from Cuncolim Educational Society in the year 2023. In 2022 due to personal difficulty he could not answer a 15 marks Geography practicals on the scheduled date but he however answered it the very next month and cleared the paper. But University failed to update his marksheet despite numerous Letters from the Cuncolim College and several Visits to the University since 2022. On 29/07/2024, a Legal notice was issued to the University which was received on 30/07/2024 and immediately within few hours of the notice received they handed over the updated marksheet. Mr. Astle D\'Souza wishes to pursue Law but his admission in law is unlikely to happen as mentioned by the college administration since he furnished the updated marksheet after the stipulated time period and by then the seats were already full. It is to be noted that he scored 70 in GUCLAT and also graduated with marks more then required to get admission in law. Hence due to the failure of Goa University to issue the updated marksheet in time, this child have to waste a whole year in getting admission in professional colleges. It was seen that there are more than 20 Law Aspirants who are facing the same problem”.
Seventh Session 2024
Directorate of Education
“Fear and Anxiety in the minds of Local Youths and Aspirants at the recruitment advertisement/notification released by the Goa University on 2nd August 2024 for filling post of Lecturers, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors on Regular/Contract basis. The advertisement/notification inviting applications for the vacancies has not specified any requirements of domicile and knowledge of the official language of Goa. It is unthinkable that Recruitment Rules of the Goa University do not provide for these basic safeguards to Local students/youth. This is a very serious issue and the Hon\'ble Chief Minister should act immediately in this matter”.
Seventh Session 2024
Directorate of Education
Session : Ninth Session 2025 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -1
Session : Sixth Session 2024 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -2
Session : Third Session 2023 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -2
Session : Second Session 2022 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -1
The following Cut Motions to Demand No.1 –Legislature Secretariat, Demand No.3 – District & Sessions Court, North Goa, Demand No. 4 – District & Sessions Court, South Goa, Demand No.10-Notary Services, Demand No.24-Environment, Demand No.28-Administrative Tribunal, Demand No.62-Law and Demand No.67-Ports Administration have been received from the Members as shown below against the respective Demands, which are fixed for discussion on the 6th August, 2024.
Session : Seventh Session 2024 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -17
The following Cut Motions to Demand No. 54 – Town and Country Planning, Demand No. 55- Municipal Administration, Demand No. 58- Women and Child Development and Demand No. 68– Department of Forests have been received from the Members as shown below against the respective Demands, which are fixed for discussion on the 5th August, 2024.
Session : Seventh Session 2024 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -16
The following Cut Motions to Demand No. 45 – Department of Archives, Demand No. 57 – Social Welfare, Demand No. 77 – River Navigation ; Demand No. 87 – Department of Archaeology and Demand No.89- Department of Empowerment of Persons With Disabilities have been received from the Members as shown below against the respective Demands, which are fixed for discussion on 2nd August, 2024.
Session : Seventh Session 2024 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -15
The following Cut Motions to Demand No. 76 – Electricity and Demand No. 86 – New and Renewable Energy have been received from the Members as shown below against the respective Demands, which are fixed for discussion on the 1th August, 2024.
Session : Seventh Session 2024 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -14
The following Cut Motions to Demand No. 71 – Co-operation and Demand No. 74 – Water Resources have been received from the Members as shown below against the respective Demands, which are fixed for discussion on 31st July, 2024.
Session : Seventh Session 2024 | Sitting : BUSINESS FOR THE DAY -13
*WILL the Minister for New & Renewable Energy be pleased to state:
(a) whether the Government has taken concrete steps to recover pending dues under The Goa Cess on Products and Substances Causing Pollution (Green Cess) Act, 2013; if so, provide a detailed calculation of Cess based on the quantity and purchase price of coal for different companies in the last five years prior to 06/02/2025 and after 08/02/2025 till date, in a tabular format for each company; also furnish the timeframe by which the Government will complete the assessment and issue Demand Notices for the recovery of revenue under the said Act;
(b) provide copies of official communications sent to defaulting companies for the recovery of pending dues under The Goa Cess on Products and Substances Causing Pollution (Green Cess) Act, 2013;
(c) whether the Government has sought details of products and substances handled by Mormugao Port Authority in the last five years; if so, provide detailed records, along with a separate Annexure of the assessment done by the Commercial Tax Department on revenue collection under the said Act, including the date of assessment and other relevant details;
(d) provide in a separate Annexure the full details of Demand Notices issued by the Government for the collection of revenue under The Goa Cess on Products and Substances Causing Pollution (Green Cess) Act, 2013, specifying the date of each notice issued till date and the current status of the same, including action taken against defaulters; and
(e) furnish in a separate Annexure company-wise details of payment of 50% of the Green Cess demand towards different types of Coal & Coke in compliance with the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court, in a tabulated format under The Goa Cess on Products and Substances Causing Pollution (Green Cess) Act, 2013, the details should include serial number, name of the company, year-wise payable amount, period for which the amount is paid, percentage of the amount paid, pending dues, and reasons for any pendency, if applicable, till date?
The Reply is uploaded on the below given link. (4.4 GB)
Ninth Session 2025
Shri. Ramkrishna Alias Sudin Dhavalikar
Non-Conventional Sources of Energy
Non Conventional Energy Resources
*WILL the Minister for Tourism be pleased to state:
(a) the initiatives taken by the Tourism department apart from road shows and International events to increase tourism footfalls in Goa and the results thereof; the methodology used for issuing advertisements to promote Hinterland tourism, Spiritual tourism, beaches, shacks and the types of cuisine served in shacks, etc. such advertisements released during the last five years in different mediums outside India and within India (outside Goa); furnish details of advertisement expenditure, State/Country-wise and the number of tourists arrived from these States/Countries; the details of agencies empaneled to release such advertisements and copies of agreements signed with each of them; and the steps the Government has taken to promote tourism;
(b) whether there is a tough competition to Goa’s tourism from other States of India or neighboring Countries; if so, give details; whether prior approvals or Ex Post facto approval was taken to release the advertisements; if so, furnish details of all approvals;
(c) the details of each travel with the total amount spent on foreign tours and travel marts since last five years; furnish the details with names, designation of the Ministers/MLAs’ and Government Officials who participated in the above mentioned tours/Travel Marts; furnish details of the total amount of T.A./D.A. paid to each official, Minister/MLAs’ and Government officials for each trip; and whether permission was taken/obtained for each visit/travel;
(d) the total number of tourists visited from the places where Government officials and Ministers/MLAs, who participated in travel marts and the separate expenditure of this travel to respective places; and
(e) whether the pre-audit has been done by the Sub-Committee of the State Marketing and Promotions Committee or any other agency with respect to expenditure of the above-mentioned foreign tours/road shows?
Reply is attached below.
Ninth Session 2025
Department of Tourism
*WILL the Minister for Empowerment of Persons with Disabilities be pleased to state:
(a) the measures the department has taken to promote \'inclusive education\' for Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) in mainstream Schools, beyond Special Schools, in collaboration with the Education department; if so, furnish copies of communication done with Education department and other concerned departments; whether there are resource class rooms in mainstream Schools and other resources for the development of Persons with Disabilities students;
(b) the number of students registered as Persons with Disabilities (PwDs); the schemes or aids the Government provides to support their educational pursuits;
(c) the steps the department has taken for implementation of Social Audits for programs/schemes involving Persons with Disabilities and Special Recruitment Drives for reserved vacancies in Government jobs;
(d) the total amount spent on Purple Fest since its inception and the total financial support given by the Government to PwDs through various schemes, furnish details with the total of number of beneficiaries, total amount of each scheme; and
(e) whether 4% reservation in Government jobs mandated under Section 34 of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 is implemented; if so, provide details of jobs given to PwDs?
Please find enclosed copy of Starred LAQ No 013A
Ninth Session 2025
WILL the Minister for Environment and Climate Change be pleased to state:
(a) the current status of the Air Pollution, Water Pollution, combatting menace of Black Soot, Hazardous Waste stored in Cuncolim Industrial Estate and the quantity of the Hazardous Waste stored in Cuncolim Industrial Estate; the details with name of all units, survey numbers and plot numbers where the Hazardous waste is stored;
(b) whether the Government has undertaken the study of the Sunrise Zinc Hazardous waste dump site as assured by the Government and if so the results of the study and the action the Government desires to take to dispose the Hazardous Waste in Cuncolim Industrial Estate; whether the mechanism/system of monitoring ground water, ambient air quality monitoring system is in place in all units; if so, furnish details of same; whether odour monitoring is in place, if so, give details if given to any agency/company;
(c) the steps taken by the Government to improve the environmental conditions in Cuncolim Industrial area and steps the Government will take to remediate the same;
(d) the total cost for the disposal of the Hazardous Waste in Cuncolim Industrial Estate; the methodology adopted for storage of Hazardous Waste stored in Cuncolim Industrial Estate; and
(e) the details of the expenditure incurred by GSPCB to cover the Hazardous Waste Dump with Tarpaulin Sheets annually to prevent contamination of water in the surrounding areas during the monsoons; furnish details for the last five years?
Reply and Annexures are attached
Ninth Session 2025
Environment and Climate Change
Department of Environment and Climate Change
WILL the Minister for Archaeology be pleased to state:
(a) the taluka-wise details of Heritage Monuments and places of Historical Importance in Goa;
(b) the present condition and status of the Heritage Monuments and places of Historical Importance in Goa with details thereof;
(c) the details of the Memorials, Statues, Plaques, Stones, Monumental Items in Goa which are listed by the Archaeology Department with details of their present condition and status; and
(d) whether the Archaeology Department is aware of renovation/ refurbishment/beautification of any Heritage Monuments and places of Historical Importance being carried out; if so, the details of each work separately with details of the Department, Consultant, Contractor carrying out the work?
Sir, The answer is uploaded.
Ninth Session 2025